Announce Your Anniversary On The 530 Bride

A simple 'I love you' means more than money." – Frank Sinatra

When a couple gets engaged, they are instantly introduced to the world of planning a wedding.  It is easy to understand how for the next few months or even years in some cases, they will spend the majority of their time talking about the big day, and making decisons about all of the details.  Here on The530Bride  we admit to always having weddings on the brain too, It is important to recognize what comes after a wedding..Marriage!

Newly married?  The first year of marriage can be a tough one, so don't feel silly for wanting to tell the world about your occasion.  Couples that have been together for 10, 20, or 30 years would probably agree that year one was memorable in a lot of ways.  During this time together you will learn a lot about each other but even more about yourselves!

We invite you to share your wedding anniversary news with us, such as a photo and your anniversary date or how many years you have been together.  Learned a thing or two about what it takes to have a strong marriage? Share your tips and advice with others if you wish!  You can write us at