If projects like embossing, or making your own ceremony programs really gets you excited then check out a few of these great resources for all things DIY! Here we will give you the run down of where to find helpful step-by-step instructions.
1. A cozy winter DIY Wedding Favor created by NotMartha.org gives you the instant warm & fuzzy feeling which would be perfect for a winter wedding!
2. Message in a Bottle Favors by Beau-Coup - Set the tone of your tropical or beach theme wedding with these mini bottles!
3. Burlap Coffee Bean Favors by RuffledBlog.com - Write a personalized thank you note, and let the aroma of the coffee beans do the rest!
4.This DIY Rustic Cake Stand gives an instant sense of the outdoors found on OnceWed.com
5. Rice Crispy Heart Favors by MyOwnLabels.Com
6. DIY Moss Letters by PolkaDotBride.com
7. Fabric Flower for Hair Pins, Sashes and Bridal Shower Favors found on ProjectWedding.com
8. Save the Date Magnets by Project Wedding, Simple and Adorable!
9. DIY Table Numbers in a Bottle by SavvyCityFarmer.com
10. DIY Hanging Ornaments "Let It Snow" project featured on UnderTheTableAndDreaming.com
To find step-by-step instructions for the projects above follow these links: 1. Ginger Bread Mug Favors (http://www.notmartha.org/archives/2009/12/18/a-gingerbread-house-that-perches-on-the-rim-of-your-mug/) 2. Message In A Bottle Favors (http://www.beau-coup.com/message-in-a-bottle-idea.htm) 3. Burlap Coffee Bean Favors (http://ruffledblog.com/diy-coffee-bag-favors/) 4. Rustic Chic Cake Stand (http://www.oncewed.com/514/diy-wedding/decorations/rustic-wedding-cake-stand/) 5. Rice Crispy Hearts (http://www.myownlabels.com/blog/1-wedding-favors/) 6. DIY Moss Letter (http://www.polkadotbride.com/2010/02/diy-moss-letters-project/) 7. Fabric Flower (http://www.projectwedding.com/wedding-ideas/diy-gorgeous-chiffon-and-tulle-flowers/8) 8. Heart-Felt Save The Dates (http://www.projectwedding.com/wedding-ideas/save-the-date-magnets) 9. DIY Table Numbers (http://www.savvycityfarmer.com/2010/01/take-number-please.html) 10. DIY Hanging Ornaments (http://www.bystephanielynn.com/2010/11/vintage-glitter-snowball-ornaments-by.html)
Have a project that you want to share? Contact us at features@the530bride.com